Friday, October 22, 2010

2nd one

To go with that series...i'm going to do one every day for a while. here you go...


I felt you there,
In the soft silk of precious lace
Which fell carelessly against her face,
Cascading down onto her chest
Then billowing up, then pressing against
My beating heart, I felt you move
Inside of me, between us two

In every shared breathe, communion with you
In every passionate glance, fervor well due
In her I fell, and moved, and swelled
In you I shake, and turn, and dwell
And all the little things she brought to my life
All symbols of you, newly shown in full light

But why then should such as we, be sin?
The thoughts, racing, play again and again
My feeble mind unable to comprehend
How my future and purpose so solemnly collide
And bring it all crashing to an end
Now left crumbling, tumbling within

Oh Lord, whose love I never did doubt
Despite the torment and grief which struck me without
the touch of her softest hand.
Still I waited and suffered, and weathered the storm
Only to grow accustomed to a new norm
In which happiness and faith did not always coincide
I'm all choked up with desperation I cannot hide

Did my eyes deceive, did my heart not see
The wonder in her that allowed me to breathe
Like one living, though formerly dead
A little of heaven shown in the golden crown of her head?

And many a sleepless night has left me encumbered
By the spell of a thought which deep within me has slumbered
In the crevasses of my heart, where no light may reach
I begin to wonder of the love I hear preached
Does it exist, in this plane or the next?
Am I doomed to wander in lonely excess?
Am I meant for true love?
Even the happiest memories I'd like to forget,
Each painted fully with a tinge of regret.
I look up to heaven and trust in the Lord,
And in my deepest self I feel
The saddest heart indeed is pierced by a sword

I wonder if love is a once only thing
And having failed, hence shall never feel it again.


1 comment:

  1. I've felt this love, and no love is not a one time thing, the heart is a muscle and grows even bigger.
