Tuesday, August 24, 2010

True Love's Remorse/Ascent

A poem i wrote...duh. called "true love's remorse/ascent"


If I could compile a list of regrets
Of all the times I"ve seen rights but made lefts
A lifetime of decisions to be made
But only a glimpse of wisdom derived
And always at a precipice of my own accord
I feel like falling is, in itself, my just reward

Desperate times and desperate measures
Collide to make a terrible remonstrance
The excuses of our ancestors null and void
For our own hearts show the truth in full light
Can we fill the cast of what is just and is right?

Each life to be lived for some reason well known
That in us, one might see, true beauty shown
For a life lived in the pursuit of beauty is well spent
In hours and minutes and seconds recompense
For I say, every moment given to true love's embrace
Shall be multiplied tenfold with God's simplest grace

So without regret I look into the fire,
No longer fascinated with the dark of my own shadow
No longer content to be one with the night
No longer meant to carry the weight of my plight
So without caution I move with the wind
And give way to passion and let true love in
I'll let the tempest within me go
And live in the light with only beauty to show
And that will be enough for me


tell me what you think...unless you're my mom. (if you really want to...email me. or something)


  1. do you find writing poetry easier when writing about emotions you actually have or when writing about fake ones from hypothetical situations?

  2. yes and no.

    Yes, because when you feel intensely passionate or understand the feeling, it is easier to associate with and also often shows in your writing. When i wrote "the night" i was in that kind of inspiration.

    No, because for me at least, there aren't any times that I'm not writing about a feeling or emotion that I don't actually have. Sure, I might not be feeling that emotion particularly intensely at that time, but it is latent, there, but hidden. The writing process, even if I don't feel it at that time, uncovers that emotion for me.

    So what I would say is that every experience or emotion I write about is about a feeling I feel or have felt...no writing is truly diffident or seperated from my own consciousness. Which means, in a sense, I never am writing from a hypothetical situation. The matter (material) might be different, but the ethereal (idea/emotion) is from me.

    wow that became really wordy, but basically, thats it
