Thursday, August 19, 2021

Queen of Discs


snapshots of 

fish globe faces and

Kyoto dreams, and

the dancing bear

i didn't show you

because I am shy

(even if you don't believe me)

and thought

i had already shown you too much

bar menus make

the perfect bookmarks

we drank whiskey

me trading four roses

for bottom shelf


but you ordered up, you

knew the good stuff, you

didn't have to be taught it

hanging out under

hanging plants

you blushed

when asked about


surprised, even after

I told you I was searching

for spaces with faces

but you said you liked

tour guides

and when we talked about

the places we wanted to be

i noticed neither of us mentioned


you looked away from me

when you said you didn't like 

to think too much about yourself.

i have a GPS, who doesn't these days,

but you circled the block anyway

when that traffic light separated us

which i thought was sweet, and when

we arrived at Honky Tonk Tuesdays

you hit the ATM, "every little bit helps

put him in the ground," 

and the emcee mentioned

his union buddies were all dead

as we sipped on $2 PBRs,

and danced.

i told you i had no rhythm

but that i used to sing, and you,

who used to read, both

getting harder, these days

and tarot was like art,

it doesn't promise a future, it just

makes you think of everything

in a new way.

the first time i met you

i told you i took one Addie a day

a silly line, my cousin had put me up to, 

and when somebody asked

if it was

the instant hit

or the extended dose

i looked you in the eyes

and said i'd take the short kick

but wanted the longer thing

if given

the chance.

you said you didn't like 

to think too much about yourself

which felt ironic

as i overslept my welcome,

awake all night because

you were all i could think about.


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