Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Things i Miss

I miss simplicity and hate duplicity
I miss sunshine on a rainy day, and hate these clouds ruining a perfect day
I miss trusting and hate losing it
I miss knowing what is real and hate that I'm just another hamster on the wheel.



  1. Nicky, everyone hates losing trust. Sadly, it's something we all have to deal with at some point. But, there are some people with whom that will never be a problem. All of us have at least one person who we can trust in completely--God. So, even when things are at there absolute worst, we always have a safe place to turn.

    Next, you're NOT, as you said, "Another hamster on the wheel". Sweetie you're not some mindless pawn of our society, being dragged about and used against your will; you're a free-thinking, strong individual, and you should take pride and comfort in that! There's nothing about you that's conformist, nothing that would make you common or "just another" ANYTHING.

    And remember, if something's bothering you, you know you can always talk to me about it.

  2. yah lol...just a dark moment. they happen to me, and i like to overdramatize them with random musings like the one above :)...thanks for the support

  3. I could kind of see that...well, as long as you're okay, then life's good. (: any time doll.
