Sunday, December 21, 2014

Good morning love

Good morning love

A cat named Boots Kitty
woke me up at 5 a.m.
with a plastic mouse offering
and asked me for food and water
and to stay and cuddle for a while

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I am horrified by the cruelty of children

 I am horrified by the cruelty of children

She asked me to refrain from guessing
long enough
to sketch the knot on the graphite noose
that looped
between double-spaced lines we used
To practice cursive on.
How twine-ridden shame became
a childhood game
I did not question while lying
Prone under the oak tree swing
of a warm Southern day

Monday, December 1, 2014

Like diamonds

Like diamonds

Obscure it in boughs of leafy words to suffocate
the light from earth which festers
firestorms crackling to birth.

let scatter the wind, let collect the breeze.

Obfiscate it in language, in poetry, in prose,
in action or romance or skyhigh apartments or plummeting
temperatures rising.

and whispers off tiny drums, echoing delight

Darken nights with brandished rights of day
which accumulate in sands of glass
turned on their side.

loosen the patterns, fabric to fray

Here the melancholic time, here
the subliminal rhyme, here 
the paradox, here 
the sublime.

like diamonds rusting divine